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New feature: Forum subscription when joining a group

When InfoCentral Beta was launched, members of Communities and Working Groups were not automatically subscribed to receive email notification of new posts in the group's forum. This feature was suggested by a number of our early users and it has just been released as a new feature.

Members of InfoCentral Beta have also been retroactively subscribed to all the forums for the groups that they have joined. Therefore, you will now receive an email when there is activity on your groups' forums. If you do not want to receive these notifications, you will need to unsubscribe from the forum for each group. (see FAQ: How can I unsubscribe from email notifications on activity in a forum?)

Another feature in development for InfoCentral Beta is a customized activity feed that will show all updates in the groups that you have joined, including new event postings and file uploads, in addition to the current activity feed items, like new group members, new forum posts etc. Furthermore, we expect to make these customized activity feeds available as an email digest, helping you to stay informed on community activity and alerting you to active topics in your interest areas.

If there are other features for InfoCentral Beta that you would like to suggest, please send an email to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser., put the words "Suggested Feature" in the subject line, and then describe your idea. We may not be able to implement all ideas, but we will respond to your suggestions.

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