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What is the Health Terminologies Community?
The Health Terminologies Community is a place to share and learn about new and existing implementations of, and updates to, health-related terminologies, terminology subsets, and classification systems used in Canada.
Members actively contribute to discussions and share information and advice related to the implementation, development, maintenance, and use of multiple vocabularies in various health-related projects.
This community is responsive to its membership, actively encouraging, welcoming, and relying on the submission of discussion topics, agenda items, and other items such as education and vendor engagement from its members.
The community will engage and collaborate with other groups or InfoCentral communities on broader related topics when relevant.
Major reference terminologies and classification systems of interest include, but are not limited to:
Canada Health Infoway is the National Release Centre (NRC) for SNOMED CT, pCLOCD, and HL7 in Canada.
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is responsible for the development and publication of ICD-10-CA (the Canadian modification of ICD-10), as well as CCI (Canadian Classification of Health Interventions).
To become a member of this community select Join Group in the Group Menu.
If you have an idea for a community, working group, or project that will drive interoperability forward, let us know! Send your suggestions to
Francis Lau, Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria
Marc L’Arrivee, Information Standards Specialist, Manitoba eHealth
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