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Health Information Network/Exchange (HIN/HIE) Best Practices
Enabling discussion and sharing of leading practices around Health Information Networks/Exchanges. Exploring topics such as strategy, governance, clinical engagement, operations and benefits realization.

À propos de nous

What is the HIN/HIE Best Practices Community?

The HIN/HIE Community is a place where health care professionals, planners, implementers, operators and vendors can collaborate to share knowledge, lessons learned and leading practices on how to maximize the value and clinical impact of HIN/HIE investments and solutions.

To become a member of this community select Join Group in theGroup Menu.

If you have an idea for a community, working group or project that will drive interoperability forward, let us know!

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Alvaro Mestre, MScA. – Regional Director, Architecture. Canada Health Infoway.


In 2015 Canada Health Infoway and Gartner conducted a study to identify current best and leading practices for planners and implementers of health information exchanges in the form of a white paper.

This white paper describes those leading practices derived from interviews and materials provided by a number of organizations worldwide, as well as a number of related findings supported by published Gartner research and general secondary research related to health care and other industries. The leading practices provide valuable insights to health care stakeholders involved in the creation, operation or ongoing evolution of health information networks/exchanges in their own jurisdictions.

The study also resulted in a preliminary Capability Maturity Model discussion paper that health care policy makers, planners and information exchange operators can use to assess their current state capabilities, determine a desired future state, and develop concrete plans to achieve the future state. This initial model, while generally applicable, requires further review and conversation with health care policy makers, stakeholders and key influencers in Canada to achieve acceptance and initiate its wide application.

We invite community members to help us share and grow our collective knowledge on this important topic, to enhance current practices on key capabilities such as strategy, governance, clinical engagement, operations and benefits realization.


White Paper: Health Information Network (HIN) Leading Practices

Discussion Paper: Health Information Network (HIN) Maturity Model


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ISO/TC215 Webinar: “How Canada is supporting new Standards in Safety, Effectiveness and Security for Health Software and Systems” – Oct 11/18, 12:00-1:00pm ET 10/02/18
The ISO community will be hosting a Webinar on “How Canada is supporting new Standards in Safety, Effectiveness and Security for Health Software and Systems” – Oct 11/18, 12:00-1:00pm ET. Did you know that Canada is a world leader and contributor...
Webinar "Patient Summary Standards Set – A new, free resource for enabling interoperable patient data sharing" – March 22nd 12:00-1:00pm ET 03/05/18
The ISO community will be hosting a Webinar on "Patient Summary Standards Set – A new, free resource for enabling interoperable patient data sharing" – March 22nd 12:00-1:00pm ET. Clinicians, implementers, software developers, digital health exper...
Oct 26th Webex - presentation & recording: Bundling Standards for Interoperability – ISO’s new Reference Standards Portfolio for Clinical Imaging 10/27/17
Hi everyone, Thank you so much to those of you who were able to participate in yesterday’s webex on Bundling Standards for Interoperability – ISO’s new Reference Standards Portfolio for Clinical Imaging. Please not that I have posted the presentat...
Webinar "Bundling Standards for Interoperability – ISO’s new Reference Standards Portfolio for Clinical Imaging" – October 26th 12:00-1:00pm ET 10/02/17
The ISO community will be hosting a Webinar on "Bundling Standards for Interoperability – ISO’s new Reference Standards Portfolio for Clinical Imaging" - October 26th 12:00-1:00pm ET. As the requirements for interoperability of healthcare informatio...
Webinar "Digital Health Software Safety Adoption - New Standards Coming our Way" - September 27th 12:00-1:00pm ET 09/13/17
The ISO community will be hosting a Webinar on "Digital Health Software Safety Adoption - New Standards Coming our Way" - September 27th 12:00-1:00pm ET. Canada has been an early leader in the area of software safety, an increasing concern in majo...
Nova Scotia establishes a baseline HIN / HIE domain maturity level 08/03/16
We had a pretty good cross section of people in the Nova Scotia (NS) workshops. In NS, there is one health authority (NSHA) that covers the province, except for the children's hospital (IWK) which is its own corporate entity. The Department of Heal...
Nova Scotia establishes a baseline HIN / HIE domain maturity level 08/03/16
Thanks for sharing this - we also applied the maturity model here in Manitoba as a starting point to building our interoperability maturity. We are hoping to do a session with Infoway over the coming year. What stakeholder groups were represented in...
Nova Scotia establishes a baseline HIN / HIE domain maturity level 07/22/16
Hi Jeff, Domain 10 from the HIN / HIE maturity model is specific to privacy and security. The levels (1 - 5) reflect a spectrum from "level 1 = No common security infrastructure in place and no capabilities to enforce privacy. Role-based securit...
Nova Scotia establishes a baseline HIN / HIE domain maturity level 07/22/16
This is good news, Steve. Can you tell me what provisions/thoughts have gone into the HIN baseline related to cyber security? I work at Canada's National CERT (Cyber Emergency Response Team) at Public Safety Canada. We provide cyber threat informatio...
Nova Scotia establishes a baseline HIN / HIE domain maturity level 07/22/16
Nova Scotia has taken the lead to apply the HIN / HIE capability maturity model to their current HIE IT infrastructure and operations. In my role as the Regional Director of Architecture for the Atlantic Region with Canada Health Infoway, I have bee...
Welcome to the Health Information Network/Exchange (HIN/HIE) Best Practices Community! 02/01/16
The HIN/HIE Community is a place where health care professionals, planners, implementers, operators and vendors can collaborate to share knowledge, lessons learned and leading practices on how to maximize the value and clinical impact of HIN/HIE inve...


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Alvaro Mestre
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
Hana Qowrah
Standards Council of Canada
Kelly Nelson
Damilola Ajayi
Naomi Agbani
Centre for Distance education
Michele Roberts
Client Outlook
Shweta Munshi
Emmanuel Everett
Elliot Silver
Argentix Informatics
Graham Fraser
Jodie Bates-Stromberg
Grace TiKieng
Kelly Davison
Canada Health Infoway
Gia Barker
Centre for Distant Education
Membres: 121
Personne-ressource: Alvaro Mestre
Administration: Linda Monico
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Enabling discussion and sharing of leading practices around Health Information Networks/Exchanges. Exploring topics such as strategy, governance, clinical engagement, operations and benefits realization.
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