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Communicable Disease Working Group is launching on InfoCentral

The development of terminology to support communicable disease case and outbreak related health information will benefit public health practitioners, clinicians, patients and the public.

Standardized terminology provides public health professionals with consistent data to assist in monitoring, managing and reporting on notifiable diseases and conditions in Canada.

The Communicable Disease Working Group is led by Manitoba eHealth/Health with the expectation that this terminology work can be used by all similar Canadian electronic health record projects. On behalf of the leaders of this work group, Carol Kurbis and Leonie Stranc, we welcome interested stakeholders to join others from across Canada in progressing this work.

A webinar has been scheduled for February 17 12:30-1:30ET. Please join us to hear about the scope of the work and how you can contribute.

Questions? Join the Communicable Disease Working Group or contact: Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

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