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Digital Health Alliance for Clinical Interoperability Launches - Experience and Enthusiasm Welcomed

In order to realize the vision of healthier Canadians through innovative digital health solutions through the sharing of clinical information, the acceleration of Clinical Interoperability is a fundamental imperative. To that end a Clinical Interoperability action plan was launched in 2014, as a result of consultation with stakeholders and a steering committee to guide efforts.

To further unify and galvanize the ongoing efforts, discussions, and implementations across the country working toward clinical interoperability, the Digital Health Alliance for Clinical Interoperability brand has been established. The new brand replaces the Standards Collaborative. Although Infoway’s standards stewardship remains strong /remains, standards have been assessed as critical yet insufficient alone to realize Interoperable solutions in digital health. The newly launched Digital Health Alliance brand and criteria for success to achieving optimal health care has increased the dialogue and broadened the nature of groups that are interested in solutions to advance interoperable systems in health care.

InfoCentral, the collaboration platform and hub for Digital Health Alliance interoperability tools, resources and discussion has been steadily growing as demonstrated by returning, engaged visitors, highlighting that Canadians are interested in the dialogue and collaboration.

The Digital Health Alliance embodies a Canadian approach to encourage the sharing of clinical information among clinicians, patients and consumers for more optimal health care experiences. The Digital Health Alliance is a collective of experiences, lessons learned, challenges and opportunities where interoperability-themed collaborative discussions can take place, foster knowledge sharing. Active discussions are ongoing in communities such as Public Health Surveillance, Medication Management, Coordination of Care and Clinical Requirements to name a few.

For more information on how you may actively participate in discussions and solutions in support of the Digital Health Alliance, login to InfoCentral, join a community or initiate a new one to foster the work you are doing. Keep up to date with events, news and community highlights on the Digital Health Alliance Dispatch, as well as InfoCentral.

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