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Clinical Requirements for Medication Reconciliation Upon Hospital Discharge

The holy grail of digital health solutions includes building solutions that clinicians will actually use. The expression and capture of clinical requirements is the first step to improving solution design and increasing adoption amongst clinicians. Infoway has identified a number of areas where work is ongoing across the country and clinicians have indicated there is a need to build solutions that will facilitate system use with minimal disruption to their workflow.

One of the areas identified includes medication management, specifically medication reconciliation at the time of hospital discharge. Infoway has undertaken an initiative to collect a set of clinical requirements to support solution architecture in this area. Nurses, Physicians and Pharmacists across Canada participated in a 2-day Infoway Hosted workshop with the objective to gather and publish a national set of clinical requirements to enable electronic medication reconciliation at Hospital Discharge.

A Line of Inquiry framework developed and tested by multi-disciplinary clinical groups over the past year guided the discussion. The Clinical Requirements statements that emerged from the discussion are posted on InfoCentral. This document is now available to inform new projects as a standalone reference document, as well as to inform use cases and subsequent solution development.

An additional workshop focused on enabling electronic medication reconciliation upon Hospital Admission will take place in the next few months.

Please visit the Medication Management and the Clinical Requirements community spaces on InfoCentral to follow this work.

For more examples of published Clinical Requirements in other areas, or to comment on the artifacts published, please join InfoCentral and initiate a discussion.

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