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SUJET : IHE Canada's Deployment Committee Report to IHE International

IHE Canada's Deployment Committee Report to IHE International il y a 8 ans 11 mois #1224

  • afarkas
  • Portrait de afarkas
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  • Messages : 107
Echoing Michael's thoughts and in an effort to being as inclusive as possible in this year's annual report to IHE, Infoway would like to invite community feedback on active IHE implementations that are going on in Canada or active development work on IHE profiles. There is awareness on the work that is proceeding within the Diagnostic Imaging Community on InfoCentral, however, there may be other projects not reflected in there.

Given that the report is not due until mid April we have an opportunity to collect your feedback. Please use this forum to share noteworthy information with the community or send me your highlights at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. Thank you for your attention,

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