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SUJET : Webinar "Digital Health Software Safety Adoption - New Standards Coming our Way" - September 27th 12:00-1:00pm ET

Webinar "Digital Health Software Safety Adoption - New Standards Coming our Way" - September 27th 12:00-1:00pm ET il y a 7 ans 5 mois #3044

The ISO community will be hosting a Webinar on "Digital Health Software Safety Adoption - New Standards Coming our Way" - September 27th 12:00-1:00pm ET.

Canada has been an early leader in the area of software safety, an increasing concern in major countries around the world with the growing role of digital health in all care delivery and with the reliance of clinicians on digital health solutions for decision support and treatment. More is now understood about both the breadth of risks of health software and the depth of actions health informatics professionals need to take. Actions including mitigating threats from inadequate software design, system failures, data quality and workflow issues, poor integration, maintenance and implementation practices and from a major emerging concern -cybersecurity.

For more details and to add the meeting to your calendar, please see our event post .

Cheers, Sari B)
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