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IHE International is pleased to announce a Call for Co-chair Nominations for the Radiology Domain and the Radiology Domain Representative to the IHE International Board.
Call for Nominations Quick Facts • Open July 6-20, 2017 • Co-chairs serve for 2 years for a maximum of two consecutive terms. • Domain Representative to the IHE International Board serves for one year but no term limit. • Nominees must be current voting members of Radiology Technical and Planning Committees. • Self-nominations are accepted and welcome. • For more details about position expectations, review the IHE Governance sections 10.2.7. Co-chair Elections and 10.2.8. Co-chair Responsibilities. Current Radiology Leadership • Radiology Representative to the IHE International Board: Kevin O’Donnell • Planning Committee Co-chair: Michael Bohl (term ends August 31, 2017) • Planning Committee Co-chair: David Koff, MD (term ends August 31, 2018) • Technical Committee Co-chair: Wim Corbijn (term ends August 31, 2017) • Technical Committee Co-chair: Kinson Ho (term ends August 31, 2018) Radiology Positions Open for Nomination • 1 Planning Committee Co-chair: Michael Bohl eligible for nomination • 1 Technical Committee Co-chair: Wim Corbijn eligible for nomination • Domain Representative to the IHE International Board: Kevin O’Donnell eligible for nomination • If you nominate someone, please check with them to be sure they accept. Thank you. Nichole Drye-Mayo Radiological Society of North America 820 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523 TEL 1-630-571-2670 FAX 1-630-571-7837 RSNA 2017 Annual Meeting November 26 – December 1 McCormick Place, Chicago |
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