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Hi all -- I hope everyone is well and "ramping up" after a quite-different-from-usual Canadian summer.
An announcement was shared by IHE International that the position of member-at-large on the IHE Board is open for nominations until Sep-15. There are two positions open; the term of the position is for two years. The form for the nomination process (including self-nomination) can be found, here. NOTE: the nominee must be a member of an active IHE member organization and there is a governance requirement that this member organization doesn't already have a member on the Board. The full list of rules and regs can be found in the IHE Principles of Governance. Good luck to any who may wish to stand for this position! (Canadians have been very active in this board position... and our ideas are very helpful and well-received, so please consider making a contribution to IHE's governance). Warmest regards, Derek |
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