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Hi all -- and sorry for the gratuitous Monty Python reference...
![]() First... a bit of context. Canada participates, and votes as a nation-state, in the work of standards development organizations (SDOs) such as HL7, ISO, and SNOMED. That's not how it works, however, for IHE. Regarding governance, I represent our IHE Canada deployment committee at the IHE International Board. Votes on individual IHE specifications, however, are cast by IHE International members, not by national deployment committees, such as IHE Canada. As a noteworthy distinction -- Infoway is the secretariat home for IHE Canada's deployment committee and also is, in its own right, a voting IHE International member (and no... they're not the same thing... and yes... Infoway pays both the deployment committee fee and, separately, its own membership fee). So... here's the something completely different that we want to try... for the first time. ![]() I'll be cross-posting this note to our Imaging community. The IHE work item we're looking for feedback on is an IHE Shareathon proposal that has been developed by IHE Services. The proposal, generally, is focused on imaging in its first use case. The project goal is to develop a conformance-testing library of DI "objects" that can be leveraged by vendors who are seeking to demonstrate conformity with particular IHE imaging specs. On the face of it, this seems to be an innovative idea that could prove useful. But... let's find out what our Canadian colleagues think about it, and provide this as feedback to IHE. And let's provide that feedback as an IHE Canada community... which (for IHE) will be something completely different! ![]() Please... let's use this thread to collect comments on the IHE proposal... and on this IDEA, too. |
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