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Hi all -- Happy New Year and welcome to the new "roaring 20's"!
For those who may be attending the IHE NA Connectathon (#CAT2020) in Cleveland next week -- there is a Standards Accelerator Track that is being run in parallel with the testing event. This track is intended to introduce innovative new / nascent initiatives that are "in progress" and will be testable at future Connectathon events. Full information about the accelerator track can be found, here. Of particular note, colleagues from Infoway, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), and Hamilton Health Sciences will be providing a demonstration during the Computable Care Guidelines (CCG) session on Tuesday morning. Their demo will illustrate the use of a CCG to support a guideline-adherent lung cancer care pathway. The demo leverages the IHE SDC to FHIR module that was demonstrated during a community webinar before Christmas by Joel Francis (infoway) and Alex Goel (CCO). To illustrate data sharing across the cancer care continuum, CCG support has been incorporated into an OSCAR EMR instance by Mo Ibrahim and Nityan Khanna (both from HHS). I had a chance to see a dry run of this demo earlier this week -- it was terrific! We'll be setting up a webinar after the CAT2020 for the community; watch this space for a meeting invitation. Also next week -- colleagues from Infoway and HHS will be participating in an international panel (Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm) convened as part of the Connectathon Conference. The Conference is a parallel event associated with CAT2020; info can be found, here. Shelagh Maloney (EVP Infoway) and Ted Scott (VP & CIO, HHS) will be speaking at a panel on "Enabling a Global Learning Health System". The LHS is a really interesting topic. Following CAT2020, I think it would be interesting to set up a community webinar jointly with the Analytics community related to LHS, and how CCGs help support it. For those curious about IHE's ongoing CCG work -- there are 2 short explainer videos on the topic: Stay tuned... more news to come after next week's busy activities! |
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