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Thanks, Alex, for the reply.
In section 3.2 where I suggest there is a potential opportunity for collaboration regarding the IHE testing platform I was thinking that the collaborators would be Canada Health Infoway (which is the home for both Canada's HL7 and IHE national committees) and IHE International, which is the IP holder for the Gazelle test platform that underpins Connectathons. In Europe and in the US, there are national initiatives that leverage the IHE test infrastructure to support "projectathons"; these are basically project-specific (or national-extension specific) conformance-testing Connectathons. I was thinking it would be something similar (although I live in hope for a permanent national conformance test centre). The webinars referenced in section 3.3 will be targeted to our IHE Canada community. I have every expectation that the subject matter will be of interest to others -- but the purpose of the webinars will be to look at topics of interest to us, domestically, even if they originate from outside. As an example -- I thought a recent webinar related to the FHIR profile of the International Patient Summary was fantastic, and relevant, even though it was not directly targeted to a Canadian context. Also of note -- I'm hoping that we will do collaborative webinars with others (e.g. the FHIR working group, the ISO committee, DICOM, CAP, etc.); IHE is a profiling organization, after all, so there are always Standards Development Organizations (and their standards) that are implied partners in our work. I hope this is helpful. In your view, Alex -- would the document benefit from including some of these clarifications? Warmest regards, Derek |
Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 8 mois par dritz.
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Hi Derek,
Really appreciate the work that went in to this paper. It's a great summary of all the great work that has been done this year. On page 4 in Section 3.2 who would be the collaborators referred to? "This is expected to lead to a need for a CA-Core conformance-testing capability and this challenge could also be a potential opportunity for collaboration regarding the IHE testing platform." On page 6 in Section 3.3 "IHE Canada will host 3-5 webinars in 2019 to review IHE activities (current and future)" Are these IHE activities, International, North American, European, Canada, USA, or all of the above? |
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Hi teammates -- please can I ask you to review the Draft for comment -- IHE Canada 2019 Report. Every year, we present a national deployment committee report to the IHE Board and our turn is coming up again, soon. This year, we want to have community review of and input into this annual report.
We will have a webinar on May 8 to discuss comments and inputs on the 2019 report and to arrive at a consensus document. Also -- we'll use the meeting to introduce new IHE Profiles (including a number of FHIR Profiles important to our Canadian context) that are being released for public comment. Although we don't need to develop an IHE Canada consensus position on these (each IHE member can individually submit comments), it will be useful to garner inputs from the community and find a way to ensure they are taken into account by the respective IHE technical committees. The webinar details are below. I hope we can have broad attendance! Topic: Review IHE Canada 2019 report and new IHE profiles up for public comment Time: May 8, 2019 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +16475580588,,889030334# Canada 8557038985,,889030334# Canada Toll-free Dial by your location +1 647 558 0588 Canada 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free Meeting ID: 889 030 334 Find your local number: |
Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 9 mois par dritz. Raison: fixed typos
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