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X-Post from HL7 Canada Community:
Thanks for posting this, Ron. I was not able to attend the webinar, but found the slides very relevant to a growing need to find ways to support interoperability on a global scale. In fact, I would like to see Canada make an overt effort to embrace the IPS, and build it into our domestic infostructure. Perhaps we should test the waters within InfoCentral, to see if there is grass-roots support. Clearly, HL7 Canada can lead this charge, but I do think there will be a similar interest within the ISO/TC215 and IHE communities. I can tell you that the JIC is very supportive of this xSDO initiative (HL7, CEN, SNOMED to date), and I would propose that broader acceptance (a goal of Trillium Bridge II) is something that we can work to progress. I would welcome comments in support of (or against) moving this forward in earnest in Canada... and beyond! Mike |
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Hello Canadian IHE Community.
Here is a link to the EU International Patient Summary (IPS) presentation given by Rob Hausum of HL7 International and Giorgio Cangioli of CEN 251 (and Chair of the Italy International Affiliate) at the March 5th 2019 HL7 International Community call. If you were unable to join that call, please take some time to review this presentation. This is very interesting work. Rob and Giorgio are bringing a FHIR server for the IPS to the FHIR Connectathon being held on Saturday and Sunday May 4th and 5th at the HL7 International May Working Group Meeting. I am encouraging anyone interested in prototyping a FHIR user interface for the IPS to sign up for the connectathons. You can obtain all of the information you need in the IPS Implementation Guide. Ron P |
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Transformer les soins de santé au Canada grâce aux technologies de l'information sur la santé.