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SUJET : IPS - EU International Patient Summary at HL7 Canada Call

IPS - EU International Patient Summary at HL7 Canada Call il y a 5 ans 10 mois #4765

  • dritz
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  • Messages : 88
Ron -- this was a really interesting session -- thanks so much for posting the invitation to the IHE community. I really enjoyed the talk.
Please... if the deck is to be shared... cross-post that, too!! :-)
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IPS - EU International Patient Summary at HL7 Canada Call il y a 5 ans 11 mois #4746

Hello everyone. (Please forgive my cross-postings to other potentially interested communities).

Just a reminder for our HL7 Canada Community call tomorrow at 12:00 Eastern time and a special presentation on the International Patient Summary by Robert Hausam of HL7 USA and Giorgio Cangioli the chair of HL7 Italy.

The International Patient Summary (IPS) is an initiative of the Trillium II collaboration between the USA and the EU, supported by the Joint Interoperability Council. The standards mapping part of this project was led by members of the Canadian ISO TC 215 community.

Importantly, it also has intersection with the IHE and HL7 FHIR communities in Europe. Please join this call to know more about this excellent initiative and its relevance to Canada.

This call will also include a delayed (and brief) update on the HL7 Jan WGM.

Ron Parker, HL7 Canada Affiliate Chair.
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Modérateurs: amaclean, lmonico, dritz
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