Some web browsers are currently displaying a security warning, "Your connection is not fully secure", on InfoCentral, InfoScribe and InfoRMS. We have determined the cause and will resolve ASAP. Please try an alternate browser: Internet Explorer or Firefox, etc.

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Le contenu créé par les communautés et les groupes de travail est accessible dans la version originale seulement.

Public Health Surveillance
Building knowledge and collaborating on public health solutions to improve the electronic sharing and use of immunization and communicable disease information.
Membres: 173
Personne-ressource: Beverly Knight
Administration: Linda Monico
Type: Ouvert
Accès: Public
Building knowledge and collaborating on public health solutions to improve the electronic sharing and use of immunization and communicable disease information.

À propos de nous


Karen Hay, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Soma Sarkar, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care


Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Immunization Guide

Immunize Canada


Communicable Disease Workgroup Final Deliverables

pan-Canadian Immunization Messaging and Terminology Standards

Clinical Requirements - Immunization Interoperability


Vous n'avez aucune activité en cours.


Événements à venir :
Aucun événement


Coverage and naming conventions for vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign meeting 09/04/20
Thank you all for attending the meeting yesterday! The presentation link can be found in the previous post. Please find here the link to the ... from the community. Please provide feedback, concerns and comments on this forum or by sending a...
Coverage and naming conventions for vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign meeting 09/03/20
Here is the presentation for today's meeting: . Here is th...
Subset (refset) requirements for vaccines -- SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/27/20
Thank you all for attending the meeting yesterday! The presentation link can be found in the previous post. Here are links to two excel documents for vaccines and passive agents changes. Please provide feedback, concerns and comments on this foru...
Subset (refset) requirements for vaccines -- SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/27/20
Hi everyone, Please find today's presentation: See you later !
SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project – Status Update (Kick off meeting) 08/26/20
Hi Marc, Thank you for opening the floor to the discussion! We will add the model clarification to the presentation on the Subsets planned for tomorrow. I think a visual with notes will be easier to understand. Currently although the model al...
SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project – Status Update (Kick off meeting) 08/26/20
(Cross-post from HTC forum) Thanks for your responses. I still would like to see brief summary class descriptions and approximate tie-in points to other code systems annotated onto the class diagram on slide 16 of the presentation. >> "Multi-d...
SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project – Status Update (Kick off meeting) 08/26/20
Hi Marc, Here are the answers to your questions (posted as well on the HTC Forum): The details on each class can be found in the SNOMED International guidelines. For those that have a SNOMED International Confluence account, it is possible to acc...
SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project – Status Update (Kick off meeting) 08/25/20
Hello, I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to comment on this project, but my comments relate to the presentation from this meeting, so I'm putting them here. It would be good if there was one "super-topic" to discuss the SNOMED CT Im...
Subset (refset) requirements for vaccines -- SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/19/20
Please join us on August 27 at 1:00 pm ET for 90 minutes to learn about the enhancements to the Canadian Immunization Model. Next week we will present and discuss the Subset (refset) requirements for vaccines. We would like to get feedback from yo...
Coverage and naming conventions for vaccines -- SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/19/20
Please note that the meeting planned for this week, August 20 is cancelled. An update to the meeting schedule will be posted later today. Stay tuned!
Coverage and naming conventions for vaccines -- SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/14/20
Please join us on August 20 at 1:00 pm ET for 90 minutes to learn about the enhancements to the Canadian Immunization Model. This week we will present and discuss the coverage and naming conventions for vaccines . We would like to get feedback fro...
Complex combined DPT-Polio-Hib-HB Vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project 08/13/20
Thank you all for attending the meeting today. Please find the presentation here:
Complex combined DPT-Polio-Hib-HB Vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Project 08/07/20
Please join us on August 13 at 1:00 pm ET for 90 minutes to learn about the enhancements to the Canadian Immunization Model. This week we will present and discuss the Complex combined DPT-Polio-Hib-HB Vaccines. We would like to get feedback from y...
Influenza Vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting 08/07/20
Thank you all for attending the meeting yesterday. Please find the presentation here:
SNOMED International Clinical Webinar - August 5, 2020 cross-post 08/04/20
Greetings, the Zoom link to the above meeting has been changed. You will now have to register. I have updated the link in the previous post to reflect the new Zoom meeting and have also provided the new link below. The webinar will be hosted on Z...



Suivi du temps



Cliquez sur « Gérer des documents » pour :

  • voir la liste complète des documents ou les dossiers regroupant les documents
  • téléverser un nouveau document

N. B. : Les membres des groupes ne sont actuellement pas avisés de l'ajout d'un nouveau document. Pour aviser d'autres membres, vous devez en afficher l'adresse électronique dans le forum. (La fonction d'avis de téléversement des nouveaux documents est en préparation.)

Gérer des documents Vous devez peut-être ouvrir une session et/ou être déjà membre du groupe pour accéder à ce contenu.

Archive ( 14 Documents )

Archived Working Groups ( 29 Documents )

Background/Referrence ( 3 Documents )

Final documents and materials originating from the Communicable Disease Working Group.

Discussion Documents ( 0 Document )

Final documents and materials originating from the Immunization Interoperability Working Group .

Meeting Information ( 15 Documents )


Ce groupe n'a pas de video.


  • Object Identifier (OID)
  • TermManager
  • FHIR Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
  • Webhook Notifications
  • Canadian URI Registry
  • TermWorks
  • Registre FHIR Canadien
  • Terminology Gateway
  • HAPI v2
  • Message ReMixer
  • Terminology Service API
  • SNOMED CT Browser
  • FHIR Terminology Service API
  • HL7 Explorer
  • Message Builder
  • InfoRMS

Pan-Canadian Standards use Object Identifiers (OIDs) to distinguish between objects by assigning a numeric string that enables other systems to understand the unique information that is being shared between various systems.

Canada Health Infoway has an arrangement in place with HL7 International that allows Infoway to submit OIDs to HL7 International on behalf of Canadian Implementers free of charge. There is a $250 USD fee per OID request if done directly with HL7 International.

To submit an OID, download the registration form that corresponds to your OID request. Email the completed form to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for all Non-jurisdictional and Infoway owned subsets. All other requests must be sent to Jurisdictional Representatives for OIDs following these guidelines listed:

  1. Jurisdictional Teams will require 5-7 business days to process each request. It will be incumbent on the requestor to reply within this time frame to any questions or make any follow ups as required. Any failure to do so will result in an automatic rejection and require resubmitting the request.

  2. The Requestor must post the OID Requests on the following forums ONLY after consulting with the Jurisdiction/Infoway SME:

    a. HL7 International and FHIR Implementation WG (Jurisdictional/Non-Jurisdictional OID Requests)
    b. Public Health Surveillance and Health Terminologies (Subset OID Requests)

    TIP How to upload and link a document to an InfoCentral Forum

  3. Forum posts shall have the following format:

    Subject: New Namespace/CodeSystem/Subset OID Request
    • OID Description: “A description of the OID”
    • OID Symbolic name: Symbolic name guidelines
    • Responsible Body & Contact Information
    • Proposed FHIR URI: URI as per URI Guidelines
    • To be published: Canadian URI Registry/Terminology Gateway

  4. There will be a wait period of 5 business days for the communities to react to the forum post with comments, questions or asks for clarification.

  5. FHIR URIs must be proposed for all Jurisdictional and Non-jurisdictional OID requests according to the URI Guidelines and must be published in the Canadian URI Registry. Publishing the URI is an optional but highly recommended step. The requestor will submit a validated FHIR® NamingSystem resource object based on the NamingSystem profile to their jurisdictional representative who will then upload it.

  6. FHIR URIs must not be proposed for Subsets to be published on the Terminology Gateway as they will be generated automatically.

  7. The Forum post will be updated with the new OID.

Apelon’s TermManager is a web-based data mapping solution which is provided by request for free to individuals who have Standards Access. It provides comprehensive mapping capability to SNOMED CT® and the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT with multi-user work flow options and flexible output formats.

 Implementation Guidelines & Resources

  • Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. - Email your request to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with the following information:
    • Your InfoCentral username.
    • Is this a new request or are you renewing your access to use TermManager?
    • Intended Use: Please describe the project and mapping requirements. Please Note: TermManager is limited to mapping with SNOMED CT. As more terminologies are available, they will be added.
    • Local Terms: Please describe the source of your local terms (EMR, LIS, etc.).
    • Please describe your requirements/project if they don't fit the above.
  • TermManager Release Notes

knowing Learn More

  • Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
  • Apelon Mapping Tool Presentation
  • SNOMED CT Education
  • TermManager User Guide
  • How TermManager Works
  • TermManager FAQs

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a globally unique string of characters that provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource. URIs are used to identify a namespace or the location of a resource. URIs are human-readable and offer the potential for resolvability. The HL7 FHIR® specification recommends using URIs to have all resources resolvable and to comply with the FHIR RESTful paradigm.

URI Registration Process

  1. Requestor shall first check that the URI does not already exist in the Canadian URI Project, Jurisdictional Registry (if exists) or HL7 FHIR Specification
  2. FHIR URIs must not be proposed for Subsets to be published on the Terminology Gateway as they will be generated automatically.
  3. Requestor shall contact the owner or respresentative for either:
  4. Forum posts shall have the following format:

    Subject: New URI Request
    • Description: “A description of the URI”
    • Responsible Body & Contact Information
    • Proposed FHIR URI: URI as per URI Guidelines
    • Existing OID (if exists)
    • To be published (optional): Jurisidictional repository/ Canadian URI Registry
  5. There will be a wait period of five business days for the communities to react to the forum post with comments, questions or requests for clarification.
  6. Update Forum post will be updated with the new URI.
  7. Publishing the URI in the Canadian URI Registry and Jurisdictional Registry. This is highly recommended to prevent any misuse or duplication of URIs but it is optional.

See a flowchart of the FHIR URI Registration Process (pdf).

Automated notifications of new content in Terminology Gateway

A webhook is an HTTP callback. When new content is published in the Terminology Gateway, a publishing event will be POSTed to each registered webhook, notifying their respective owners about the publication.

Webhook registration

Individual users can register for webhook notifications by sending an email to: Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and specifying the webhook endpoint. Upon registration, a unique api_id will be assigned to the webhook. Each notification POSTed by the Terminology Gateway will contain the api_id, allowing the endpoint to verify that the notification was indeed issued by the Terminology Gateway. The api_id must be echoed back by the webhook endpoint in the body of the notification response.

Webhook interface

The webhook endpoint must serve HTTP requests conforming to the following interface:

HTTP Request

  "api_id": "cb570e5a2748f349f9119431db836b3a23fdb6571afee34c0432d87220f2431b",
  "base_url": "",
  "notification_time": "2017110711:07:00",
  "targets": [
      "id": "2.16.840.1.113883.",
      "name": "Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set (CCDD)",
      "type": "package",
      "version": "20171016",
      "effective_date": "20171016",
      "publication_time": "2017103015:20:23",
      "message": "Monthly CCDD update for October 2017"
      "id": "2.16.840.1.113883.",
      "name": "PrescribeIT",
      "type": "package",
      "version": "LPR2",
      "effective_date": "20171103",
      "publication_time": "2017110309:37:22",
      "message": "PrescriptionMedicinalCode version reflecting the October 2017 CCDD update"
  • api_id: as previously mentioned, each notification POST contains the api_id granted at registration.
  • base_url: the base URL for the native REST API endpoint of the originating system. This can be used to call back the Terminology Gateway via APIs in order to programmatically download updated content.
  • notification_time: the timestamp of the webhook notification in yyyyMMddHH:mm:ss format.
  • targets: list of updated targets. Each entry in this array corresponds to a Terminology Gateway artifact (subset, codesystem, map, package) that was updated and is therefore subject to the notification. The target list will only include artifacts for which the user has registered to receive notifications. Users can register to receive notifications about content updates using the Terminology Gateway User Interface or by invoking the native REST APIs.

    Each of the notification targets contains the following fields:
    • id: the artifact id, typically an OID
    • name: the artifact name
    • type: the artifact type: subset, codesystem, package or map
    • version: the published version id
    • effective_date: the effective date associated to the artifact version, in yyyyMMdd format
    • publication_time: the publication time in yyyyMMddHH:mm:ss format
    • message: optional message describing the published artifact version

HTTP Request

HTTP Response code: 200 for success, any other response code will be interpreted as an error
Sample HTTP Response Body:

  "api_id": "cb570e5a2748f349f9119431db836b3a23fdb6571afee34c0432d87220f2431b",
  "result": "success",
  "message": "Successful processing of the webhook notification"
  • api_id: as previously mentioned, each notification response must echo back the api_id granted at registration.
  • result: success if the web hook notification was successful, any other value will be interpreted as an error.
  • message: optional response message.

Error handling

When receiving an error as a result of a webhook notification, the Terminology Gateway will retry the notification four times at 15 minutes intervals. If still unsuccessful after four notification attempts, the system will drop the notification and will notify the user by email that the webhook couldn't be invoked.

Sample code

Demo code for a sample webhook endpoint can be found here:

Le registre canadien d'identificateurs uniformes de ressources (URI) a été créé pour regrouper l'information concernant les espaces de noms des identificateurs et des systèmes de codes. L'utilisation des ressources NamingSystem de FHIR® rend la saisie des métadonnées propice à la consultation et au traitement informatique. Elle permet aussi le mappage bidirectionnel automatique entre les identificateurs d'objets (OID) et les URI.

Afin de rendre la recherche de ces artéfacts plus souple, le registre d'URI canadien (alpha) permet d'effectuer des recherches via du texte en clair, des OID ou des URI. Les identificateurs URI sont créés à l'aide des lignes directrices URI et affichés sur la page du groupe de travail sur l'architecture de solutions FHIR en vue d'être approuvés.

Tous les artéfacts NamingSystem sont organisés par le Canadian URI Project dans Simplifier et peuvent faire l’objet de recherches après une période de 20 minutes.

Consultez le registre d’URI canadien(alpha)

Apelon’s TermWorks is an easy-to-use data mapping solution that is provided by request (free of charge) to individuals who have Standards Access. It brings powerful terminology capabilities directly to the desktop. TermWorks combines Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet software with web services-based terminology processing to give organizations comprehensive mapping capability to SNOMED CT® and the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT.


knowing Learn More

  • Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
  • SNOMED CT Education
  • Apelon User Guide
  • Infoway User Installation Guide
  • How does TermWorks Work?
  • TermWorks FAQs

The Canadian FHIR® Registry supports collaborative development in an effort to accelerate sustainable growth of FHIR, locally and internationally. The registry is the home of national FHIR profiles recommended for use in Canada, including extensions, value sets, URIs and other useful, commonly used components. It is also host to a growing number of national, jurisdictional and locally shared FHIR projects, and is open to all Canadian implementers.

The Canadian FHIR Registry offers:

  • seamless integration of profile editing using Forge (free FHIR profile editor)
  • designated project space
  • supports project teams of up to 100 individuals
  • online authoring of implementation guides
  • integration with source control tools such as GitHub
  • version controlled environment

The Canadian FHIR Registry blends software development best practices with the requirements of modelling in FHIR, essential to delivering successful project requirements while having continuous access to structure validation, rendering and publishing.

Organization projects can be viewed without logging in. To edit or request a new project, Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with the details.

View projects in the Canadian FHIR Registry

Service Level Agreement and Business Continuity should not be used in a production setting, as 24/7 support is not provided by Infoway or Firely®.

A project created in the Canadian FHIR Registry can be linked to an existing GitHub account. GitHub serves as a secondary backup and can sync the content in the project accordingly. Read details on how to set this up

Users of the Canadian FHIR Registry on the Simplifier platform can expect the following response time from the Firely team for any issue encountered.

Issue Premium Support Description
High Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 8 hours
Work halts and affects a large number of users
Medium Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 16 hours
Able to continue working but affects a small number of users
Low Priority
  • Response time < 4 hours
  • Resolution time < 24 hours
Able to continue work and affects a couple of users
  • Unlimited
Able to influence the product’s road map

Read an overview of the Service Level Agreement between Infoway and

All project artifacts are backed up weekly at midnight on Sundays. Each snapshot will be retained for 10 days. The project owner can request an as-is snapshot containing all the necessary artifacts such as text, xml, json, md and image files by contacting Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Forge License Agreement

As per the statement issued on the Firely blog,  Securing the future of Forge, as of January 1, 2020, the free version of Forge will be licensed for non-commercial use only. To continue using Forge, users will need to be part of a paid plan on The current contract between Infoway and Firely for allows for an unlimited number of users of Forge. Infoway has received confirmation from Firely that this will remain unaffected until December 31, 2021. As long as the authors in belong to projects that are part of the Canadian FHIR Registry, they will be given rights through the administration processes of the platform conducted by Infoway.

Browse, download and leverage the terminology used in Canada

Terminology Gateway is a web based solution framework that enables the distribution and sharing of terminology concepts, subsets and concept maps, making them available for web browsing, download or real time query.

terminology gatewayBrowse Terminology Gateway Now

Open source integration tool useful for health IT integration projects

HAPI for HL7 v2 messages is an open-source, object oriented HL7 v2.x parser developed for the Java platform.


  Message ReMixer retired November 29, 2019

Message ReMixer retired on November 29, 2019 and is no longer accessible.

Please contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. if you have any questions or concerns.

RESTful web services used to browse terminology data

Terminology Service RESTful APIs enable automated exchange of clinical terminology content and resources. It allows developers to easily implement healthcare applications that programmatically consume codes and subsets without requiring in-depth expertise in the details of terminology.

terminology gateway APITerminology Service API


Browse International and Canadian Content

SNOMED International's SNOMED CT® browser allows users to browse and search the SNOMED CT International Edition to explore concepts and relationships. It also provides access to browse national extensions from SNOMED International member countries including the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT in English and French.

snomed browser Browse SNOMED CT Now

 General Documentation

FHIR® web services used to access terminology data

FHIR Terminology Service APIs enable automated exchange of clinical terminology content and resources. It allows developers to easily implement healthcare applications that programmatically consume codes and subsets without requiring in-depth expertize in the fine details of terminology.

terminology gateway APIFHIR Terminology Service API


  HL7 Explorer retired November 29, 2019

HL7 Explorer retired on November 29, 2019 with no further updates or maintenance. Access will continue “as is”.

Please contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. if you have any questions or concerns.

Enhanced browsing of HL7 v3

Infoway HL7 Explorer is a powerful browser for HL7 v3 structures, vocabulary and references. Used in conjunction with the pan-Canadian releases, HL7 Explorer makes locating details and information more efficient.

In November 2017, the Canadian HL7 InfoCentral community determined that there was no longer any need to do further updates to the pan-Canadian Version 3 messages. As a result, the December 2012 releases of MR02.06.01 and CeRx 4.4.2 are the latest pan-Canadian publications of these standardized messages.

The HL7 Explorer, the Master Terminology Worksheet (MTW) and all other messaging related artifacts are aligned with the latest releases.


Learn about the features HL7 Explorer: search once, graphical representation, quick hints, etc.

MR 02.06

HL7 Explorer applied to the MR 02.06 HL7 v3 maintenance release

CeRx 4.4.2

HL7 Explorer applied to the CeRx 4.4.2 HL7 v3 maintenance release



Standards versions available for viewing in HL7 Explorer

Standard URL 
CA MR 02.06
CA MR 02.05.01
CA MR 02.05
CA MR 02.04.03
CA CeRx 4.4.2
CA CeRx 4.4.1 
CA CeRx 4.4
BC V02R04
NS CeRx 4.3
NS R02.04.03
AB MR2007
AB R02.04.03
AB R02.04.00 SHR
AB R02.04.03 Imm

  Message Builder retired November 29, 2019

Message Builder retired November 29, 2019 and is no longer supported. The source code and all supporting documentation is available as-is on GitHub:

Please contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. if you have any questions or concerns.

Open source integration tools useful for health IT integration projects

HAPI FHIR® is a simple-but-powerful library for adding FHIR messaging to applications. It is pure Java compatible and licensed under the business-friendly Apache Software License, version 2.0.



External Solutions for API integration

Open source integration tools useful for health IT integration projects.


HAPI for HL7 v2 messages is an open-source, object oriented HL7 v2.x parser developed for the Java platform


HAPI FHIR is a simple-but-powerful library for adding FHIR messaging to your application. It is pure Java compatible and licensed under the business-friendly Apache Software License, version 2.0.

Request Management Solution

Infoway Request Management System (InfoRMS) is Infoway's request for change (RFC) tool for SNOMED CT®, pCLOCD/LOINC® and pan-Canadian Subsets. Not sure if you have access to InfoRMS? Manage your InfoRMS Access in your user profile.

snomed ct SNOMED CT

In order to ensure that SNOMED CT RFCs are addressed in an efficient and timely manner, it is the requestor's responsbility to:

  1. Ensure that the content does not exist in either the International or Canadian editions of SNOMED CT;
  2. Ensure that the request conforms with the most recent Editorial Guidelines;
  3. Provide the date of implementation;
  4. Provide reference material that is publicly available, authoritative, recent and relevant to the request (Wikipedia is not considered appropriate);
  5. Support the request with a clear justification for the change and an appropriate use case for context;
  6. Ensure all mandatory InfoRMS fields have been completed prior to submission.

Login to submit or follow requests to SNOMED CT 


pCLOCD leaf symbol pCLOCD/LOINC

Prior to submitting a pCLOCD/LOINC request, it is the requestor's responsibility to:

  1. Ensure that the content does not exist in LOINC or the pCLOCD;
  2. Ensure that a similar or equivalent term has not already been requested, by way of searching the online LOINC Submissions Queue;
  3. Ensure that a similar or equivalent term has not already been accepted and under development for the next official release, by way of searching LOINC Pre-release terms;
  4. Comply with Regenstrief Editorial Guidelines (note: login required)

Login to submit or follow requests to pCLOCD/LOINC 


subsets magnifying glass on monitor Subsets

Prior to submitting a Subset request, it is the requestor's responsibility to:

  1. Validate the content against the subsets in Terminology Gateway
  2. Comply with the appropriate proper terminology Editorial Guidelines

Login to submit or follow requests to pan-Canadian Subsets 

Conférence Web

Veuillez ouvrir une session pour accéder à la conférence web d'InfoCentral.


Beverly Knight
Canada Health Infoway
Linda Monico
Canada Health Infoway
naomi monaster
MB Shared Health
Kelsey Jasa
Sisira De Sliva
Newfoundland Labrador Centre for Health Information
Kelly Davison
Canada Health Infoway
Chantal Stoddard
Benjamin Carroll
Queen's University
Jodie Bates-Stromberg
Gia Barker
Centre for Distant Education
Sharon Grandy
Western health
Dana de Faria
Centre for Distance Education
Bonnie Chipman
Gerelmaa Luvsandugar
Kimberly Washington
Twitter response: "Could not authenticate you."

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