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Outils relatifs aux normes Outils relatifs aux normes

Les outils relatifs aux normes facilitent l’exploration, la sélection et l’application des normes de messagerie et de terminologie.


HL7 Explorer

Infoway HL7 Explorer is a powerful browser for navigating complex HL7 v3 structures, vocabulary and references.


Message ReMixer

A web-based application that allows for the localization of pan-Canadian Standard messages to meet jurisdictional requirements, maintaining the integrity of the original, standard message.


Object Identifier (OID)

Pan-Canadian Standards use Object Identifiers (OIDs) to distinguish between objects by assigning a numeric string that enables other systems to understand the unique information that is being shared between various systems.



Browse and search the SNOMED CT® International and Canadian Editions to explore concepts and relationships.


Terminology Gateway

A web based solution framework that enables the distribution and sharing of terminology concepts, subsets and concept maps.



A web-based interface with multi-user work flow options and flexible output formats for mapping to International and Canadian SNOMED CT content.



An easy-to-use data mapping solution, providing access to SNOMED CT and the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT directly to your desktop

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