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( 3 Documents )

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AB Health template for Project Data Dictionary creation

Publié le 04 Mai, 2015 par Shelley Weslosky

This Alberta Health data dictionary template is used to record a project’s data elements that get submitted to the provincial HISCA committee (Health Information Standards Committee for Alberta). Contents are to reference re-use of existing data element...

PHAC Functional Standards

Publié le 25 Mai, 2015 par Karen Hay

presentation on the May 25, 2015 PHS community call by Lisa Paddle and Claudia Brown from the Public Health Agency of Canada

Ref set secondary en descriptions historic

Publié le 08 Oct, 2015 par Tara Mawhinney

For review / comment: two options for "public" / "clinician" display names for historic vaccines.
Twitter response: "Could not authenticate you."

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