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Jan 2015 release of pCLOCD available to SC Members

The new version of the pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database (pCLOCD) is available to SC Members in the pan-Canadian Standards folder on InfoCentral Wiki.

Content highlights for the Jan 2015 release of pCLOCD include:

  • New content has been added that was requested by British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • 73 new French Canadian translations have been added
  • Changes are based on the December 2014 International release of LOINC®
  • Less than 800 records have been edited in either language.

Release Notes have also been published and should be consulted to confirm specific changes that have been incorporated into this release. 

The latest release of the pCLOCD includes updated pan-Canadian codes as well as updates from the December 2014 release of LOINC. The standard is available as either an Access database or an Excel file. The current version is identified as follows:

pCLOCD-FR-EN-R05.01.00_LOINC 2.50-20150131

Corrections and additions to the pCLOCD should follow processes outlined in the pCLOCD Maintenance Document.

Please note that all the artifacts associated with this release and previous releases of the pCLOCD are on InfoCentral Wiki.

If you would like more information about the pCLOCD, or would like to request the addition of a code or make a change or correction to an existing code, please use the RFC tool, InfoRMS. You can also contact the Infoway Standards Collaborative Infodesk at:

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  • 1-877-595-3417 or
  • 416-595-3417.
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