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Join the Health Information Network/Exchange (HIN/HIE) Best Practices Community

In 2015, Canada Health Infoway and Gartner conducted a study to identify current best and leading practices for planners and implementers of health information exchanges in the form of a white paper.

This white paper describes those leading practices derived from interviews and materials provided by a number of organizations worldwide, as well as a number of related findings supported by published Gartner research and general secondary research related to health care and other industries. The leading practices provide valuable insights to health care stakeholders involved in the creation, operation or ongoing evolution of health information networks/exchanges in their own jurisdictions.

The study also resulted in a preliminary Capability Maturity Model discussion paper that health care policy makers, planners and information exchange operators can use to assess their current state capabilities, determine a desired future state, and develop concrete plans to achieve the future state.

The Health Information Network/Exchange (HIN/HIE) Best Practices community has just posted the following papers available in both English and French.

Help us enrich the conversation by sharing your knowledge, ideas or comments on HIN/HIE related topics such as strategy, governance, clinical engagement, operations and benefits realization.

The community will also be hosting a series of informative webinars on HIN/HIE topics, details will be posted in the event calendar in the near future.

Join health care professionals, planners, implementers, operators and vendors in the discussion and sharing of leading practices around Health Information Networks/Exchanges. 

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