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ISO - JIC Use Case and Patient Summary Standards

Groupe: Coordination of Care
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Jeudi, Novembre 03, 2016, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par Peter Picton

Join Elizabeth Keller and Don Newsham, both ISO/TC215 members and Patient Summary Task Group leaders, as they share pre-published information on ISO/TR 19669 - Re-usable Component Strategy for Use Case Development. This standard is being used for the Use Case for Patient Summary, a current project of the Joint Initiative Council of eight SDO’s. The use case focuses on an unplanned acute care event or episode that requires a patient summary. The use case is applicable across jurisdictions (regions, provinces, countries) and is a key enabler of care coordination.


Elizabeth Keller, Vice Preseident Product and Strategy, OntarioMD

Don Newsham, Chief Executive, 4C Consulting

Webinar Details (this event is at 12:00pm ET) :

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Audio: 1-(866) 626-0833 ; Conference Code: 920 307 9211

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Contact : Peter Picton


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