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Data Impact Challenge Launch |
Groupe: Webinars |
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On May 12, 2015, Infoway’s newest ImagineNation Challenge is calling on analysts and researchers with authorized access to Canadian health data sets to answer important health questions that could help reimagine the future of the evidenced-informed decision making. The objective of the Data Impact Challenge is to source relevant information for a set of questions regarding appropriateness of care identified by policy-makers. In doing so, it will also test the feasibility of a new mechanism for matching stakeholders who need information to help inform policy or practice decisions, with those who can provide that valuable input. Join us for the launch, and learn how you can be part of this exciting challenge with up to $80,000.00 in awards available. Register now to reserve your spot in the launch webinar. |
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Transformer les soins de santé au Canada grâce aux technologies de l'information sur la santé.