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Medication Safety Culture Indicator Matrix (MedSCIM): Using incidents to assess and monitor patient safety culture in your organization |
Groupe: Medication Management |
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Host: Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada This workshop was funded by the Canadian Society for Hospital Pharmacist (CSHP) Research and Education Foundation Grant. The Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) has assigned this workshop 4.0 CEUs This workshop teaches healthcare professionals how to use medication incident reporting as an indicator to monitor patient safety culture within their organization. Participants will learn fundamental principles of medication incident reporting and patient safety culture. These concepts will be integrated to introduce a novel tool called the Medication Safety Cultural Indicator Matrix (MedSCIM), which is a Qualitative Assessment Scale (QAS). MedSCIM was developed to measure patient safety culture in healthcare settings. This interactive workshop uses hands-on activities to teach participants how to use MedSCIM. In the end, participants will become confident using MedSCIM to support a positive patient safety culture. Participants will be asked to bring in 10 to 20 medication incidents (de-identified) from their practice in order to conduct the hands-on activities. Through the application of the MedSCIM, participants will have the opportunity to integrate their learning through hands-on analysis and interpretation of incidents from their own practices using an innovative approach. Learning Objectives:
Lieu : Toronto, Ontario Contact : ISMP: |
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