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IHE and AHIMA are looking for International feedback on their white paper entitled Patient Registration Demographic Data Capture and Exchange.
It would be great if implementers in Canada provided their feedback, suggestions and guidance as well. There is the potential to standardization across multiple jurisdictions and applications to further enable interoperability, and potentially reduce Canadian customization requirements and associated costs. Details on where to access the paper, how to comment and the timelines are listed below. White Paper: Patient Registration Demographic Data Capture and Exchange Public Comments Due: July 24, 2017 Dear Colleagues: Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) invite you to submit comments on the White Paper entitled Patient Registration Demographic Data Capture and Exchange. The White Paper was developed by the IHE Patient Care Coordination (PCC) Committee with participation of the AHIMA Standards Task Force. It is based on the AHIMA Patient Registration Use Case and specifies the requirements and constraints for patient demographic data that should be collected and exchanged for patient registration during an emergency department visit at a healthcare organization. These data requirements may be proposed to be published as future IHE Technical Framework Volume 4: United States National Extension to the IHE ITI Patient Administration Management (PAM) Profile for the message-based data exchange. Please download the White Paper here: Please download the Public Comment Form here or see form attached. The form contains instructions for recording and submitting your comments. Thank you for your contribution in developing standards for HIM practices. |
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