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March 31 Release of the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT Includes COVID-19 Concepts and Descriptions


Infoway's bi-annual release of the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT (English and French) is now available.

This latest release aligns with the SNOMED International March 2020 release published as an interim publication in support of the coronavirus respiratory disease outbreak. Updated COVID-19 related concepts and descriptions are included in this release.

For the first time, the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT now includes all translated terms from the SNOMED CT Common French Translation Extension, with translation done by Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Canada, and PHAST(France). The number of French terms now available has increased to more than 77,000 terms, including the translation of the COVID-19 concepts.

New concepts and descriptions have been created for supporting Canadian implementations, including implementations by the Public Health Community, the Canadian Institute for Health Information Reference Data Model (CRDM), the eConsult Project in Newfoundland & Labrador, the eHealth Ontario Standards Project, the Manitoba Public Health Information Management System.

As part of our annual Subset review and maintenance cycle, Infoway is also releasing updated versions of many subsets, inactivating subsets that are no longer in use and deprecating the subsets inactivated in the previous year.

Once published, an announcement will be posted in the Health Terminologies Community, and the Canadian Edition package will be available in the Standards Centre.

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