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TOPIC: Sharing: HIMSS webinar on: HL7®, FHIR®, and the Road to Interoperability

Sharing: HIMSS webinar on: HL7®, FHIR®, and the Road to Interoperability 5 years 5 months ago #5320

Hi Andrea

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Sharing: HIMSS webinar on: HL7®, FHIR®, and the Road to Interoperability 5 years 5 months ago #5319

Dear all,

I attended a HIMMS webinar on FHIR and the Road to Interoperability earlier this week and they just made the recording and slides available for widespread sharing.

I've included the links to the slides and recording (lots of beeps, so please be warned) below.

It was a good overview of HL7 and FHIR and talked about the US and ONC plans, who is using FHIR (long list and growing), domains in use, such as cancer care and social determinants of health along with developing work in genomics, public health and research.

The recording is about an hour long, so perhaps a personal lunch and learn. :)

Thank you.



Recording * (

Presentation PDF (

If you have additional questions, please reach out to our speaker:

Speaker: Wayne R. Kubick
Chief Technology Officer for Health Level Seven International, an ANSI-accredited Standards Development Organization.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @WayneKubick

*Apologies due to Webex technical issues, we were unable to suppress the beeps for people joining and leaving the meeting.
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