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There is still time to vote for the HL7 Canada Chair. The poll closes on Friday July 13 at 1700 hrs ET.
Thank you Andrea |
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Just a gentle reminder to vote for the HL7 Canada Affiliate chair position.
In order to vote, you need to be logged into InfoCentral and a member of the HL7 community, which is open to anyone wishing to join and participate. Voting closes July 13 at 1700 hrs ET. Thank you. Andrea |
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Voting is now open for the HL7 Canada Affiliate Chair position.
Voting runs from July 2 – July 13, 2018. You can find the poll on the main InfoCentral page: or On the "About" tab for the HL7 Community: Please take a moment to show your support for Melva and Ron. Thank you. Regards, Andrea |
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The nomination period for the HL7 Affiliate Chair is now closed and we are pleased to have both Melva Peters and Ron Parker running for this position.
You can read about all of the skills and expertise that both Melva and Ron are able to bring to this position here: Infoway is in the process of creating the poll for the election. Voting will commence on July 2, 2018 and end on July 13, 2018. Thank you. Regards, Andrea |
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Just a gentle reminder that nominations for this position close on Friday June 22, 2018.
There is still time to "throw your name into the hat" with Melva and Ron. For reference, the election timelines are: • Nominations: June 11, 2018 – June 22, 2018 • Preparation for ballot: June 25 – June 29, 2018 • Voting July 2 – July 13, 2018 • Affiliate Chair Announcement July 16, 2018 Thank you Regards, Andrea |
Last Edit: 6 years 8 months ago by amaclean.
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Hello everyone:
I am offering my nomination for the role of HL7 Canada Affiliate Chair. For those of you who I may not have had the opportunity of working with in the past, a bit of my history:
While much has been accomplished in establishing the foundation components of EHRs across Canada, much remains to be done in terms of allowing information to flow as it needs to in support of Canadians’ health and care. In Canada, and internationally, HL7 FHIR® is the current focus for the development of new interoperable solutions. Having said that, there are still many HL7 CDA, V3 and V2 implementations across the country that are operating today, and those systems will also need to evolve to accommodate changes in technology and approaches to supporting the flow of information across care settings, disciplines, and organizational boundaries. I believe the HL7 Canada community has an opportunity to inform and shape the priorities and approaches taken across the country to realizing full working interoperability in healthcare. It is apparent there is a need for the FHIR Working Group and the HL7 Community at large to be better integrated, especially as HL7 FHIR becomes a normative standard and regular iterative balloting of the standard becomes commonplace. However, I believe there is merit in continuing to support multiple working groups to address not just specific utilizations of FHIR, but also to provide insight on transitioning existing standards implementations to FHIR and other emerging standards. This includes the appropriate binding of terminology standards such as LOINC and SNOMED CT to achieve semantic interoperability inherently as part of technical interoperability. In turn, the HL7 Canada Council will need to become more actively engaged in representing Canadian approaches and requirements to HL7, not just through balloting cycles, but also by understanding and influencing key HL7 working groups and the Technical Steering Committee. With your support of my election to this position, I hope to be able to actively and meaningfully support the Canadian Health IT community in fulfilling the interoperability mission we set out on, transitioning from the EHR solutions foundation to digitally enabling health and care services across the country. Thanks... Rp |
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Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.