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How do I add a hyperlink in my forum post message?

When creating a forum post message use the editing tool bar available to hyperlink text within your forum post message. Hover over or click on the Hyperlink Icon within this tool bar.

  1. In the main navigation menu, click Communities, locate the group you wish to post in and click on group name.
  2. Select the Forum tab.
  3. Click the New Topic button below the Forum menu bar.
  4. Next click the New Topic + button.
  5. Complete required fields to create a new post to the forum you wish to post to.
  6. Enter free text within the Message field. Here you may link your forum post to another document.
  7. From the tool bar select the Hyperlink Icon to link to website or image of your choice.
  8. Enter the URL in the URL field.
  9. In the Text field enter the text which you would like to hyperlink.
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