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Data Standardization - Webinar Recording

Published on Dec 17, 2015 by Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Presented on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 as part of Digital Health Week


  • Anne Motwani, CIHI Program Lead
  • Lynn McNeely, CIHI Special Projects Lead

Data standardization enables the usability and interoperability of health information to support primary use of information for clinical priorities, as well as secondary use for health system planning. The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) has been leading multiple initiatives to enable the adoption and implementation of EMR and EHR content standards in primary, acute, ambulatory, community, home and long-term care settings. This webinar examines the approach to clinical engagement and data sharing, and describe standards and products designed to promote clinical interoperability in acute, ambulatory, home and long-term care, as well as in-patient and community mental health settings. Additionally, this session shares insights from pilot projects to inform future regional/jurisdictional adoption and implementation strategies for these standards.

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*the beginning of this presentation was not captured due to technical difficulties.  

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