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An IHE Survey - The past the present and the future of IHE

Published on Mar 04, 2020 by Derek Ritz

IHE is celebrating its 20th birthday in 2018, and while it has reshaped the
technological landscape in healthcare, little is known about it’s impact. Thus, it’s time
IHE evaluates it’s progress and determines future steps to better serve the health care

This project began with an idea from a core group of IHE members, looking to
answer the following questions:

  • Are health care providers, IT/PAC experts, and vendors aware and knowledgeable
    about IHE and it’s profiles?
  • Are IHE profiles being adopted? If so, which ones?
  • Is the vision of IHE succeeding?
  • Are people involved in IHE?
  • How can IHE improve?

With these gaps of knowledge filled in, IHE can enter a new era of providing
interoperability solutions to health care.

Authors: Dr. David Koff and Marijke Jurriaans (MSc Candidate)

McMaster University

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