TermManager Terminology Mapping Tool Now Available
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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.
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Public call for short presentations & CodeCamp activities for FHIR North, October 16, 2019 at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
A recently published article in the Journal of Medical Internet Research shows that Canadians and our health system reap significant benefits when patients can access their personal health records online and use digital health e-services.
The award recognizes Lorie's "exceptional and enduring actions, activities and accomplishments that advance and promote LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes — a database and universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations) and its use to improve health."
Did you know that you can create, publish and share amazing FHIR® Implementation guides in the Canadian FHIR Registry?
Review the release notes on InfoScribe to learn the details about the latest Subset release.
Map to the January 2019 version of SNOMED CT Canadian Edition starting May 22, 2019.
For those individuals or organizations that require access to, or licenses associated with content managed by HL7 International, the renewal period is now open.
Infoway invites leading health IT companies to respond to the newly launched Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit technology and services related to Identity, Access and Consent, for Infoway’s ACCESS Gateway.
Learn about the benefits of incorporating e-prescribing into your practice or pharmacy, the features that make PrescribeITTM the ideal e-prescribing service for prescribers and pharmacists, and how PrescribeITTM integrates with clinician workflow in your EMR and PMS.
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Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.