January Standards Releases: SNOMED CT International & pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database
Available at the end of January, accompanying release webinars have been scheduled for both SNOMED CT and LOINC reference terminologies.
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The latest on clinical interoperability across InfoCentral.
Available at the end of January, accompanying release webinars have been scheduled for both SNOMED CT and LOINC reference terminologies.
We would like to wish you, and your family and friends Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Drug terminology, clinical subject matter experts, EMR and pharmacy system vendors are invited to participate in the public review of the Canadian E-prescribing Drug Terminology Editorial Guidelines.
Hear what clinicians, patients, caregivers, governments, associations and industry had to say about digital health.
Learn more about the Subset Maintenance Review Process, or join the FHIR Implementation Working Group.
Powerful patient experiences, digital health success stories and compelling discussions were the highlight of day two at Partnership.
For those of you unable to attend Infoway's #partnerconf, this word cloud mirrors a number of highlights from day one.
Help inform digital health in Canada and support Canadians in moving from patients to partners in managing their health.
Enter the LEADing Practice Challenge for an opportunity to showcase how your organization is using consumer digital health and a chance to earn part of $12,000 in awards available!
Partnership Conference kicks-off next week. With a dynamic program, featuring dedicated streams on interoperability, medication management and consumer health, this is a must-attend conference.
Improving the quality of patient care through the effective sharing of clinical information among health care organizations, clinicians and their patients.