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LOINC celebrates 25 years of providing the lingua franca for interoperable data exchange

LOINC® was initiated 25 years ago by the Regenstrief Institute, a non-profit medical research organization associated with Indiana University, to establish a public code system for exchanging laboratory and clinical observations between computer systems.

LOINC has established February 16, 2019 as the inaugural LOINC Day Celebration. It was on February 16, 1994 that the original authors Clem McDonald and Stan Huff, along with other founding members of the LOINC committee, first met and started creating this worldwide standard for identifying health measurements, observations, and documents.

Infoway joins them in celebrating this milestone that recognizes LOINC as an integral standard for health data around the world. Canada has been using the Canadian Extension of LOINC, pCLOCD, for nearly 12 years.

Learn more about LOINC and pCLOCD or join the discussion on Infoway’s Health Terminologies Community.

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