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The FHIR North 2018 conference - Mark your calendars!

Entering its fourth year of operation this April, the annual FHIR North conference is a “must attend” event for all Canadian FHIR enthusiast as well as the industry at large.

This year’s programme includes the usual education and coding tracks but for the first time it’s also augmented with a new segment dedicated to audience presentations.

If you have a newsworthy and relevant FHIR story you would like to share, submit your general abstract description for a chance to present it to a live audience.

Check out the event website for more information and make sure to mark April 26, 2018 in your calendars as the FHIR North event at Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON.

More detail coming up in the next few weeks, but if you want to present the time is ticking. Please check the event website and submit your abstract description.

See you at the show.

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