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Coordination of Care: Jurisdictional Updates and Opportunities for Cross-Collaboration

Join representatives from across Canada (BC, MB, ON, NS, NL) will participate in a facilitated discussion on the status of eHealth initiatives at the coming Coordination of Care community meeting, Tuesday May 30, 2017 at 1:00PM EST. 

The featured presenters will provide jurisdictional updates on EHR, EMR, digital health solutions implementations and other priority initiatives focused on digitally connecting providers and patients. The meeting will open the floor to discussion on areas of cross-jurisdictional collaboration pertaining to coordination of care.


  • Natalie Borden, Department of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia
  • Emma Houser, Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information
  • Dragana Lojpur, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
  • Liz Loewen, Manitoba eHealth
  • Dr. Bill Clifford, Northern Health Authority, British Columbia

Calendar information and WebEx link

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