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The Digital Health Alliance for Clinical Interoperability launches


The Digital Health Alliance, launched officially at the 2015 Infoway Partnership Conference, representing the national collaborative effort to accelerate clinical interoperability in Canada.

The guiding principles of the 'Alliance' embody a Canadian approach to encourage the sharing of clinical information amongst clinicians and patients for better patient experiences. The Digital Health Alliance, includes a collective of the experiences, lessons learned, challenges and opportunities where interoperability-themed collaborative discussions can take place, foster knowledge sharing, and inform next steps in areas from Public Health Surveillance to Medication Management and Coordination of Care. With Canadian population, it has never been more important to ensure timely, efficient and safe clinical information sharing for health and wellness outcomes.

Canada Health Infoway has identified that in order to realize its vision of healthier Canadians through innovative digital health solutions, the acceleration of Clinical Interoperability is a fundamental imperative. To that end, Infoway has supported the development of a Clinical Interoperability action plan as a result of consultation with stakeholders and a steering committee to guide efforts.

The Digital Health Alliance for Clinical Interoperability branding has been created to highlight and unify ongoing efforts, discussions, activations and implementations across the country. InfoCentral, a collaboration platform and hub for Interoperability tools and resources has been steadily growing, demonstrating that Canadians are interested in the dialogue and collaborative solutions.

For more information on how you can participate in the Digital Health Alliance, join a community on InfoCentral or initiate a new one in an area to support the work you are doing. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more.

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